« The whole purpose of my work is in the calling down of the Paramatman Light and in helping people. For this I came – to open your hearts to the Light. »


~ Mother Meera

Mother Meera, an embodiment of the Divine Mother

Born in India, Mother Meera is an embodiment of the Divine Feminine, the Divine Mother on earth. From an early age, young Kamala Reddy had spiritual experiences out of the ordinary. Upon contact with her uncle, Balgur Venkat Reddy, she began at the age of 13 to give her first darshans at Sri Aurobindo’s ashram in Pondichéry. With Adilakshmi Olatti, Mr. Reddy dedicated his life to the service of the Divine by helping Mother to bring Light, Love and Grace on earth. By the way, he is the one who told Mother Meera about the small group from Quebec met in India in 1979.

Mother Meera’s work consists in purifying world’s consciousness and preparing it for evolving to a higher level. The blessing she gives during darshan calls down the Light of the Supreme Consciousness and opens humankind to receive the Light so that Divine will and Life manifest themselves on earth. Being the mother of all of us, she reaches everyone and every religion, regardless of our ethnic group or our social status.

Nowadays, Mother Meera lives in Germany and, whenever circumstances allow for it, she travels worldwide to give darshan. She also visits India regularly to look after the many schools she has in India.

Mother is the living proof and example of the Divine in the world. She calls down Light on earth to ensure its transformation. We are her children and she takes care of all of us kindly, everywhere with pure love and perfect respect. She accepts everything and gives herself over for the wellbeing of her children.

Her childhood

Mother Meera was born Kamala Reddy on December 26, 1960, in the State of Andhra Pradesh in Chandepalle in the south of India. Daughter of a farming couple, not practicing any religion or meditation, she experienced a spiritual evolution exceptionally precocious and dazzling.  From the age of two or three years old, she turned to “other lights” when she needed help.

At the age of six, she experienced her first Samadhi transcending into a higher state of consciousness for a whole day. This experience could have taught her to completely detach herself from human relations. In 1972, on the occasion of the death of his father-in-law, Mr. Reddy went to Chandepalle. It was then that he first met Kamala Reddy and sensed her divine nature. Kamala Reddy left her family at the age of 13 and became known as Mother Meera. Her destiny got closely linked to her ardent devotees, particularly to Mr. Reddy.

The importance of Bulgur Venkat Reddy and Adilakshmi Olatti

The arrival of his niece in his life was a real grace for Bulgur Venkat Reddy who, then attended the Sri Aurobindo’s ashram in Pondicherry. First a follower of Mother Anadhoota Chinnamma, from 1952 until she left her body in 1956, he was accepted in Sri Aurobindo’s ashram by The Mother (Mirra Alfassa). Then, when The Mother also left her body in 1973, Mr. Reddy was enlightened with a vision, that the Consciousness of The Mother was entering the body of the one who would eventually be known as Mother Meera.

As for Adilakshmi Olatti, also a member of Sri Aurobindo’s ashram and a teacher in its Center for International Education, she heard of Mother Meera through her exchanges with Mr. Reddy. She met Mother Meera on the occasion of her visit to the ashram in 1974. The Divine Mother’s presence became evident and both decided to follow and accompany Mother Meera in her world travels. That is how they visited Canada together three times between September 1979 and December 1981.

The Divine Mother

Relating to the Divine in Mother Meera’s way is widely known in the Orient, and especially so in India. God is perceived as being able to manifest himself in all forms of the creation. The revered Divine Mother’s form, the soul and the power that hold the universe, is the most gentle and easiest form for reaching us. Kali, the Virgin Mary and Isis are other well-known faces of the Divine Mother.

In our troubled times, several incarnations of the Divine Mother are among us, each one with a specific task: healing, protection or transformation. Some like Mother Meera are known worldwide, and others do their work secretly.


Mother Meera does not fit the conventional model of the Guru surrounded by his disciples. She is the Supreme Mother always available to whoever needs her help or her blessing, entirely loving, attentive and without judgment. She does not give formal teaching nor proposes complex spiritual disciplines and has no demands. As a living incarnation of the Divine Mother, she can transform any aspirant with a simple glance.

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