« The purpose of my teaching is to give nothing but the Divine Essence, what is necessary. I give exactly what each person needs. »


~ Mother Meera

Sources of information about Mother Meera

Mother Meera travels around the world and there are many online sources of information in several languages for those who want to meet with her. Video recordings are made regularly by those people accompanying her. Also, darshans and guided meditations by Mother Meera are frequently filmed. If you didn’t get the opportunity to receive darshan in person, this way you will be able to see what that gift of Love and Light consists of before you receive it. Several interviews have also been taped where she spontaneously answers questions from her devotees. Most of those videos are subtitled.

Société Mère Meera selected for you several inspiring videos; you can also simply be in Mother’s presence or listen to her talking on topics that call to mind for all of us. In addition to those videos sorted by topic, we share main websites where you can find more information on Mother Meera.

Mother Meera

Eyes of Light

Mère Meera et Douce Mère

Only Love – Mother Meera – January 2018


Colors of Love - Darshan of Mother Meera

Cosmic Eyes – Mother Meera at Pont-à-Mousson, France

Mother Meera in Hamburg – January 18, 2018


During the pandemic, Mother Meera conducts daily live meditations available online wherever you are.

Meditation with Mother Meera – Wyndham Garden, Berlin - 2017

Medytacja z Matka Meera – 2017

Mother Meera – krótkie blogoslawieństwo - 2017


Love others and you will love yourself

No obstacles, no limit

Express what you feel


Mother Meera School (part-1)

Mother Meera School (part-2)

Mother Meera School, Madanapalle, India


Japa Mother Meera 2015 cd1

Mother Meera Japa Songs

To remember Mother Meera – Music cd - Mix

to accompany your meditation

Visit our online shop

To get among other things Mother’s books, malas, incense, music to accompany your meditation, and a wide variety of articles related to her.