« I look at everything inside you to see where I can help, where I can heal and give strength. (…) I open up each part of your being to Light. »


~ Mother Meera

Mother Meera’s Darshan

Darshan means “see the Divine” and in our case “be in presence of the Divine.” Through darshan, Mother Meera gives Love and Light for free to all humankind while travelling around the world. In Germany where Mother lives, it usually is possible to receive darshan all year round. During darshan, one is invited to present oneself and receive the transmission of Light that she calls down on earth.

Darshan is held in silence, in a precise way exactly adapted to Mother Meera’s work. While we kneel or sit down bowing our head in front of Mother, she puts hers fingers on our temples and works on what could be described as the soul’s “circuit”. When she releases our head, we look at her in the eyes and she examines the areas of our being that need her Light, giving us energy, purification and interior healing so that our mental, emotional and physical aspects live in harmony.

Société Mère Meera deals with the organization of Mother Meera’s tour throughout Canada. See the calendar to know Mother Meera’s schedule.

Darshans with Mother Meera will not start again before 2023. What happens next will depend on the evolution of the Covid 19 pandemic. Meanwhile, you can attend daily meditations online. You can also read Mother’s answers to help you go through this special time.

What happens during the darshan

During darshan, by a gesture of Love, Mother Meera transmits Light to each part of our being. She works more especially on our “personality”, removing with gentleness obstacles that prevent our spiritual development. Our body includes a system of subtle energy channels that extends from head to toe. In reaction to what we experiment in contact with the world, at physical as well as mental levels, “energetic knots” are formed along those energy channels. Mother Meera’s darshan unties those knots that block the circulation of energy in those channels, in front and in the back of our body. By releasing those knots or blockages, Mother enables our soul to open out.

Receiving darshan

Once the pandemic situation allows it, we will have the opportunity to receive Mother Meera in Canada, in Quebec and Ontario. Société Mère Meera takes care of the organization of those tours. You want to receive darshan from Mother Meera? Mother’s schedule is available on the calendar. Receiving darshan is free of charge but you must book your place. To know in advance Mother’s next visit to Canada, you are invited to sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of the page.

Darshan proceedings

You are about to receive darshan, here are a few tips to prepare. After validating your registration at the entrance, you are invited to go and sit in the hall. Darshan is held in silence. When darshan begins, you will be guided to form a queue in front of Mother. When your turn comes, you kneel down – or sit down if you have difficulty to kneel down – in front of her and incline your head. You will then feel her hands on your temples. When she withdraws them, raise your heard and look at her in the eyes. When Mother looks down, stand up and go back to your place. Always remain silent. Darshan will terminate with Mother’s blessing.

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